Tile Campaigns
Tile's campaigns strove to capture the sentimental bonds we place on our valuables. The company showcased that Tiles can be placed not only on everyday items that we need like keys/wallets, but also on your child's teddy bear. 
Ernie, the Lost Panda, Campaign  
Leading up to the major sales events such as Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the many winter holidays, a new campaign introduced Ernie, the Panda. It followed the story of a little girl who lost her beloved stuffed panda bear and his journey in finding his way back to her, with the help of Tile. 

Holiday Gift Guide promotion
From November to December, an illustrated version of Ernie was created to show a more whimsical and fun nature for social media and holiday shopping. Tile's Holiday Gift Guide website (shown below) was launched with an animated gif background, that spanned across social media and was translated for Tile's French and German locales.
A longer 90 second video was designed for Facebook's (new at the time) video background covers. Here is a sped up version of the background video for the masthead.
Valentine's Day "Find the Love Sale" promotions
For "Find the Love Sale/Valentine's Day Sale" gifs for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were designed to announce new Tile promos. Homepage carousel masthead announcements for desktop and mobile continued the cupid theme. 
True Tile Tales
Tile users would send in their inspiration stories of how Tile's products helped them. To further celebrate and thank the Tile community for their support, some of their stories were illustrated into fun lost and find images. A separate blog series was designed for these stories to be highlighted and their stories to come to life in illustrated lost and find tale. The proposed social media post to introduce the new section of the site is seen below. 

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